Stock program

As store keeping steel trader we have specialised in wear resistant and high strength structural steel. We have regularly on our stock for you:

Wear resistant steels
260/300HB - 400/450HB - 500/600HB
Thickness: 3-150mm
Dimension: max. 3000*12000mm

High strength steels
S690 / S890 / S960 / S1100 / S1300 in Q/QL/QL1
Thickness: 4-200mm
Dimension: max. 3000*12000mm

Due to our own flame cutting shop and to our product mix deepth and width we are able to supply you flexible and fast with standard and special formats at competitive prices.

Im Blickpunkt: Sonderstahl und mehr

AMBO-STAHL-Gesellschaft Gerhard Sevenich mbH & Co.  •  Oskar-Jäger-Straße 155  •  D-50825 Köln
Phone +49(0)221-54672-0  •