Wear resistant steel

Wear resistant steels are primarily used in fields where high wear resistance has to be combined with excellent weldability and good usability.

We have wear resistant steel on stock:

Normalized/air tempered   with est. 260/320/360HB
Water hardened/tempered with est. 400/450/500/600HB

They are used in various fields such as:
• dust extracting units
• excavating equipment and construction machines
• dumpers
• pressing moulds, mills and other refining equipment
• shredders, crushing machines
• silos and conveyor systems


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AMBO-STAHL-Gesellschaft Gerhard Sevenich mbH & Co.  •  Oskar-Jäger-Straße 155  •  D-50825 Köln
Phone +49(0)221-54672-0  •  info@ambostahl.de